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Personalization Help and Examples

We're Here To Help!
Dinn Trophy realizes that sometimes it is difficult to decide what to say and how to say it. You want to give the perfect award that will be remembered long after the presentation. We are here to help - we are "The Personalization People!"
Keypoints that should be included when personalizing any Dinn Bros. award:
- The Name of the Recipient
- The Reason for the Award
- The Name of the Person or Company/Organization Presenting the Award
- The Date the Award Will be Presented
At a Loss For Words?
We have seen just about every type of sentiment personalized on our awards and we know it can be difficult to express just how important this accomplishment is to your company or organization. We have provided several personalization examples by category to help you express the perfect message. Of course, if you ever need further suggestions, just call us toll-free at 1-800-828-3466 or email us at sales@dinntrophy.com
Still not sure? We can help - for assistance just call us toll-free at 1-800-828-3466 or email us at sales@dinntrophy.com
Spanish or French Personalization
We will gladly personalize your awards in Spanish or French. Please enter your personalization as you would like it to appear on the award.
Our professional personalization department will center the personalization and add accent marks as indicated on your order.
Adding Accent Marks When Entering Your Personalization
While holding the Alt key, please enter the four digit number via the numeric keypad (with Num Lock on). The modified letter appears after the keys are pressed and released.
Some Common Accents:
Alt+0225 = á
Alt+0193 = Á
Alt+0233 = é
Alt+0201 = É
Alt+0243 = ó
Alt+0211 = Ó
Alt+0241 = ñ
Alt+0209 = Ñ
Objectionable/Defamatory Personalization
We reserve the right to refuse/cancel orders containing objectionable/defamatory language out of concern for our employees, customers, and award recipients.